Info Samsung Freeze

     If you order a Samsung code on the networks tools
(Orange France, T-Mobile USA and so on...),
only the network unlock code is provided.


Important Samsung

 To read
Unlocking Samsung

Samsung activation :
- The Samsung must have been activated a first time on the original operator.
Otherwise you risk receiving an NCK code of 8 zero (00000000)
who will not be reimbursed!

Other codes available on Samsung :
- If you need other Samsung codes (Ex: code Unfreeze
you need if you have made several Unlock code errors) - Or if your Samsung has never been activated on a network
Do not order on these network tools

Instead, use :
Samsung tools in  "Direct manufacturers when the tool name mentions (plus Unfreeze Code)"

unlock    See Manufacturers Tools  

P.S. - Phone Freeze on Samsung means bad previous entries of network unlock code,
or error in the manipulation.
The Unfreeze code allows, in this case, to cancel the restriction that follows bad entries.
You can then enter the network unlock code.

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Unlocking phone Networks

Unblock a phone by IMEI number

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